Friday, October 3, 2008

SharedReviews Site Changes | Earn Money by Sharing, one of the sites I've been participating in to earn money online, has just announced some major changes in the mechanics of earning money. I'm not yet sure how this will affect the earnings of regular SharedReviews members, but from my first impressions of it, the changes will make things more interesting. There's a lot more things to choose from than the regular activities of writing product reviews and voting for other reviews. The voting limit per subcategory has also been lifted. The member with the most number of reviews written in a month will receive an award. How much, I still don't know, but I intend to win that for this month.

SharedReviews is a site that pays you to share your experiences about products, with a minimym of 750 characters which is pretty short compared to the 200-500 word requirements in other online writing opportunities I participate in.

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